

We are determined to perpetuate a high standard of choral music in and around Lincoln and welcome anyone who would like to support the Lincoln Choral Society by becoming a Friend of the Society.

The minimum annual subscription rate to the Friends’ scheme is £25 per individual and £45 per couple. Membership of the scheme entitles Friends to a top price ticket for each of our major concerts at 50% discount.

Friend’s names are listed on our website and in major concert programmes. Friends who introduce new Friends receive a free ticket for a concert of their choice.

You can download a Friends Application Form here

If you would like to participate in the ‘Gift Aid’ system, you can download a form here


For companies, organisations or individuals who may wish to make a greater commitment to the Society, our Sponsors Scheme is open for a larger donation. For a minimum of £100 annually, sponsors will receive two complimentary tickets to each major concert, listing in programmes and on the website and the opportunity to purchase further top price tickets at a 20% discount. Sponsors may negotiate increased benefits, including advertising their products and services in concert programmes, the facility for client entertainment and sponsorship of specific aspects of Lincoln Choral Society concerts, in return for increased donations. You can click on any of our sponsors’ logos below to go to their website. We warmly recommend their services and products.

For further information kindly contact the Friends’ Secretary.
email: phone: 07967 192586

Sponsors of Lincoln Choral Society:

Friends of Lincoln Choral Society:
Mr A. Alsop Mr A. Breeson
The Late Lord Cormack DL FSA & Lady Cormack Mr & Mrs T. E. Dennis
Mr H. Dunkley Mr P. Dutton
Mrs A. Epton Mr C. J. Howick
Mr A. Humphries Mr & Mrs R. P. Husemeyer
The Late Mr J. E. Kent Mr & Mrs W. Millar
Dr & Mrs C. Morgan Mrs B. A. Moses
Mr L. G. Nicholas Mr & Mrs L. Pennell
Mrs M. Rance Dr & Mrs P. Stratton
Mr I. Swales Mr P. Townsend
Mr & Mrs P. Tutty